About LawBox

Lawbox LLC is a privately held company based in the Bay Area. We've been creating mobile software since 2009.

Nicole Zeltzer

A graduate of the University of Illinois College of Law and a member of the California and Illinois state bars, Nicole started LawBox out of dissatisfaction with the software tools available to attorneys. She is our iOS and Mac developer, legal liaison and pastry chef, and puts her talents as a photographer and CG artist to use in the graphics department.

Pauline Kerschen

Pauline joined LawBox in 2010 after completing a Ph.D. in English literature at the University of California-Berkeley. She is our operations manager, Android and web developer, database admin and server-side Ruby wrangler.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Our founder was born in Corsica in 1769 and crowned himself Emperor of the French in 1804.